Simon Mitchel Sacred KA Embodiment Student
Listen to his experience below:
Step into your highest,
fearless expression to become
a powerful psychic channel
and share your magic with
the world in an authentic way
without being afraid of being seen,
judged, not trusting your abilities or
insecure of your soul's mission
Activate dormant psychic gifts, overcome fears and tap into your highest expression to create a
soul-aligned life & business.
Doors are closed
Next round : Nov 19th
apply now
This is a 6-month group program for mystical souls who are on a spiritual path ready to level up, overcome fears and create a soul-aligned life/business to fully embody their soul's mission.
You have been in the spiritual world for some time, you have done inner work, taken different courses to learn how to help others, but there are still blockages around visibility and fears that you are aware that need to be shifted in order to expand your work and create more impact on this planet.
Some limitations like fears of being seen, judgment, fears of charging money for your gifts, fears of showing your face on social media, etc. are limiting you from not being in alignment with your true soul's purpose and the way you deliver your work.
Just imagine...
How big would you dream if you knew you couldn't fail?
Would you quit your main job right now if you knew that you could
make more money from the spiritual work you love doing?
I got you, I was there too! I used to be an architect working in a 9-6pm job. I changed paths, decided to step fully into my mission, and now I am making way more than I was when I was an architect!
But this is not about money, this is about your FREEDOM and your sovereign.
It is up to you to decide to be in deeper alignment with what you love, what you give back, and explore those spiritual talents even more.
It is time to come out of the ''spiritual closet'' fully and tap into your highest expression for your highest good and the highest good of humanity.
It is time to share your magic with others in ways you have never before.
Through this program, you will immerse yourself with high vibrational frequencies to activate different tools that will allow you to release limitations and create a powerful soul-aligned life and business.
Jessica will guide you through a journey of becoming a powerful and fearless light worker with personalized channeled light language healing/ activation techniques, KA (light body) activations and group coaching.
is for you if:
You are ready to play BIG and tired of just dreaming because you know that you are a diamond ready to be pulished. You don't give up on your dreams and you go for it.
You are on a spiritual path. You have received some healing sessions before, your intuition is developed and perhaps you have studied some holistic courses before but you want to discover what you are meant to be doing and fully embrace your soul's purpose. You know there is something bigger for you, but you don't know how to get there.
You are tired of being in the spiritual closet OR not sharing your gifts fully yet You have beautiful psychic talents, but you have deep fears related of sharing those gifts to the world, fear of being seen, fear of rejection, fear of being too powerful, etc. You know this is holding you back.
You are working for the light. You want to have more tools to be in service to the world. You want to awaken your inner codes to reach your full potential.
You are ready to leave your old identity behind You are willing to do what is needed for you to embrace the new version of yourself. You are ready to work in your limited beliefs and ready to see your shadows and how to work with them.
You are ready to receive personalised guidance from your spiritual team and my galactic guides so you can tap into your full power.
You want to connect more into your heart. Sometimes being into your heart is difficult. You may find yourself being in your head most of the times, not allowing you to listen to your heart desires. Being in your feminine is not something you feel comfortable.
You are ready to receive high vibrational light language transmissions that will allow you to quantum shift. You are ready to work with different high vibrational beings such as archangels, ascendant masters, goddesses, galactic families, etc.
You are committed to your healing journey so you can embody the new version of YOU. You know that taking action will lead you to success and you are not afraid of investing time and money in yourself and your growth as a light leader.
Your medicine is needed right now.
Walk the path of the sacred KA Embodiment for a deep
soul awakening and unshakable confidence
On the journey of sharing your gifts with the world fully, you will come across different fears that are not helping you be in your power but...
Planet earth needs you, it needs you to love yourself so much and, from that place, to help others with your gifts and talents, and that is why Sacred KA Embodiment was born to help and assist future light leaders to embrace their gifts with confidence, come out of the spiritual closet and activate deeply their connection to source, to the divine.
Here are some examples of fears you need to work on to fully share your
gifts with the world, and of course SKE will help you work on them:
Fear of being seen
This is a deep fear that comes from past life times where you were killed or punished because of having psychic gifts. For example, the witch hunts. You are postponing creating content, you don't like creating content, don't like to show your face on social media. This has to be healed in order to share your gifts with others. How do you expect people to find you if you are not putting yourself out there yet?
Fear of judgment
As a light worker and being in the spiritual world, you may feel alone because no one understands what you do. Especially your family or loved ones. This doesn’t make you feel comfortable sharing the work you do, because you don’t want people to think that you are ‘’crazy’’. This is keeping you in the spiritual closet and not allowing your true essence to come through. SKE has the courage codes you need to shift this block.
Fear of failure
Do you find yourself procrastinating? Your intuition tells you that you are ready to go deeper into your soul, but there is always something else first. There is a deep fear of not doing things right, wanting to control the future, to see if everything will work out. You lose so much time thinking rather than doing, and that is keeping you playing small. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
Fear of your own power
This is a not very common fear but it can show up at some point in your spiritual journey. For example, feeling like being too powerful is not safe, and when I mention power I don't mean only psychic gifts but information.
One of the main fears I had to clear myself was the fear of knowing more, the secrets of the universe. Fearing your own power comes from past lifetimes when a big trauma occurred and you need to clear it.
Fear of charging money from your gifts
When you start deepening your gifts and possibly sharing them with the world, you will notice that you don't feel ready to charge yet. But perhaps this is not about being ready but feeling worthy of receiving money from spiritual work. This can actually come from past lifetime experiences or conditionings in the country you were born. You may feel a certain kind of resistance to receiving money from your gifts. The reality, in this new earth, light workers need support to fulfill their work and, with that, create a greater impact.
Did you resonate with any of the fears mentioned above?
That is totally fine, you are having a human experience, you are learning, and you are NOT ALONE.
Sacred KA Embodiment has the frequency that will help you release those fears to align you with your highest self, your highest truth and your soul potential by healing your past lifetimes, remembering your power and activating your KA fully.
Cece O'Neil Sacred KA Embodiment Student
Listen to her experience below:
Jessica and her activations catapulted me to action. I had been so hesitant to get myself out there. Something shifted, and I suddenly felt ready to share my gifts. I'm on my way to living my true life mission as an energy healer.
My gifts have expanded in ways that I never imagined. I am now channeling and connecting to my client's spirit guides and deceased loved ones from across the veil. I thought I would be solely doing energy healing, but I quickly discovered my spirit guides had much more in store for me. I'm not only doing energy work but also receiving messages for my clients.
I noticed my thoughts are not so scattered; I'm much more focused. I rarely feel anxious like I used to before the program. I am more present and peaceful. In conversations, I have become a better listener. I learned to connect with everyone heart-to-heart.
I now have the tools to stand tall, own my gifts, and step into my role as a lightworker. I know who I am and am ready to lend my gifts to uplift the world one person at a time.
If you feel called to share your gifts for the betterment of the world, do not hesitate to sign up. Through the activations and healing sessions, you'll gain self-respect, confidence, and courage and feel empowered. I have taken many spiritual classes to learn how to put myself out there but...
Sacred KA Embodiment is the only program that genuinely helped me overcome the fear of selling my products/services. The activations awakened and shifted something inside of me. My authentic self has awakened. I feel content, confident, and peaceful. I now speak my truth, which I struggled with in the past.
Cece O' Neil - Psychic Channel
In Sacred KA Embodiment
you will activate your light
body (ka body) to become
a powerful channel
Working and activating your ka body will lead you to go back to your sacred essence, to what matters more, to enjoy, to be free, to celebrate every day, to live a meaningful life, manifest faster and embody your soul's gifts in ways you have never before. Activating your KA can help you shift timelines in a short time and be in service with the gifts you came to this planet without fears or doubts.
KA is life force energy. Everything that has a life has a KA. It is the vital essence, life essence, what keeps you alive and free, a pure source of grace.
Imagine a candle with a small flame, that is how your life force energy is right now - it is there but is not fully active. By receiving KA activations you can make this ''flame'' bigger, helping you live a soul aligned life, activate dormant abilities and your sacred power. That is your sacred KA and you are going to fully awake it in this program.
KA was also an Egyptian term that refers to the light body. They believed that once the soul had passed away, their light body (ka body) was still alive.
KA is life KA is celebration KA is a state of being KA is how you decide to live
KA is how you connect to God's creation
Light workers have been called to activate their light bodies at this moment, so they can support the ascension process of humanity.
In this program you will activate your KA through the Isis KA Activation Method and the Cosmic Serpent Method (more than 20 different activations that assist different parts of your soul and your abilities) to deeply awake your soul memories and power. Read more about the activations in the details of the classes here.
This is the ultimate activation program you will ever need to deepen your connection to spirit, the earth and your inner magic.
''Jessica is the most amazing healer and I had the most transformative experience during my Ka program. It helped me to awaken to my true divine self and to live my highest purpose mission here on planet Earth! Which in turn helped me in all areas of my life, from my happiness, to my inner peace and not getting triggered in my life, to increasing my energy levels, to finally stopping my emotional addiction to food and getting healthy, to helping with my dream business, and also it helped take my relationship with my soulmate to the next level! I am so grateful to Jessica, she is an amazing channel for Goddess Isis and I had profound experience of oneness and peace plus lots of amazing visions! I had such a life-changing experience! Thank you so much Jessica and Goddess Isis! I would highly recommend this program to anyone!''
Sam Ryan - Healer and coach
Here is how your transformation will look like:
The journey will help you fully embody your soul's purpose and your mission on earth by releasing any fears and allowing you to share your gifts to the world.
You will find yourself aligned to your path and what you should be doing in your mission on this planet.
You will get confidence to trust in yourself and what you are capable of doing. You will also start co-creating with spirit for your life and business.
You will share your gifts and your voice with the world without shame. Say bye to the undercover lightworker.
You will have your psychic abilities and soul gifts expanded, so your talents will be developed on ways you never expected.
No more procrastination, I will be guiding you into this journey of total transformation and embodiment.
Better relationship with your spiritual team so you can be able to also receive guidance for yourself and what you need to do to keep playing big.
You will start manifesting things easier because you will be aligned with your heart and your mission.
Simon Mitchel Sacred KA Embodiment Student
Listen to his experience below:
Sacred KA Embodiment certainly worked for me. I signed up for this course immediately I saw it. The combination of 'healing', light body and physical body 'activations' and emphasis on a personal mission was exactly what I needed. I needed a safe context to evolve myself further.
I was in fear of people taking from me. I think that modulating these life events through the program has helped me see the separation from my family as a Karmic Event and actually made me stronger in my motivations. I was concerned about being accepted, even validated, by my family, but now I am not.
The course opened my mind. I feel better connected to the voice of my intuition, more aware of philosophies that see our earth as part of a galactic whole, and so curious about Egypt and Atlantis that I am exploring the Hijaz scales on my musical instruments.
The sessions became an exciting excuse to stay up late, ( like a naughty midnight feast ) even a time out of time when I could open to this spiritual healing beyond place and distance. The experience has certainly enlivened my night-time dreams and more messages come to me this way now. From being a bit stuck and indecisive before the course, I now find I know exactly what to do next.
I 'saw' Jessica in her power. From a legacy of Peruvian Shamans far into the past, this lady is utterly amazing and embedded deeply in a world of spirit. The Violet Power indeed.
I can only wholeheartedly recommend this course to you if you want to evolve yourself in the safe and capable hands of such a true soul.
Simon Mitchel - Intuitive Artist
Join Sacred KA EMbodiment now!
Activate your dormant abilities, heal expression blockages and learn to work with your life force.
VIP Full day Immersion
This is the first session where we will gather together to set your intentions for the journey, you will receive a deep cleansing and a energetic preparation of your psychical body to receive high vibrational frequencies.
30 min private session
This session will be in month 3 of the journey to give you additional support and light language activations so you can fully be activated into your soul purpose.
Soul purpose embodiment
You will be receive activations to fully embrace your purpose and to start playing BIG in your life and business. Your life force will be activated which will allow you to take action to get out of your comfort zone. No more procrastination, you will get work done.
Embrace your new identity
On our group sessions I will dive deep here to see if there is any past lifetime that is affecting you and needs to be cleared right now.
Expect to clear any fears, traumas and past lives experiences that are not allowing you to step into your full expression.
Dormant psychic abilities activated
You will receive multiple light language frequencies to help you deepen your connection to source, spirit and yourself. Meaning any dormant psychic ability will appear and it will increase the ones you have.
Deep clearing and healing
of visibility blockages
I will be helping you to clear any ancestral traumas and pain related to sharing your gifts with the world, either from past lifetimes or inner child wounds. Expect to release the blockages that are on your way of sharing your voice with the world.
Ka body activated
You will activate your full KA BODY with the ISIS KA Method to anchor your 5d higher self on earth so you can manifest easier and embody your soul purpose in ways you haven't before.
You will be receiving the 16 ka body activations to fully activate your galactic life force.
Cosmic Serpent codes for deep KA alignment
It is a unique and personal channeled technique that helps to clear and deepen the alignment to source. It includes a total of 7 different activations/initiations that channels the cosmic energy for healing and alignment.
Abundance codes
I will be channeling high vibrational light language codes (9D-12D) to help you integrate next levels of abundance.
Light language is a form of communication that has vibration. It is like music in another language that can bring sensations and internal shifts.
Group Coaching and support
I understand the process of embracing your gifts deeper. On our coaching calls, you will receive guidance on how to put yourself out there online and in-person. Anything related to expressing your gifts uniquely on social media, etc. Additionally, you will be part of a group on telegram where everyone can share their wins or ask questions for the lenght of your program.
Sacred KA Embodiment is fully channeled, you won't find this type of program anywhere else. You will be receiving frequencies from Egyptian beings like Goddess Isis, Sekhmet, Thoth, Galactic races like lyrans, sirians, pleiadians, shamanic beigns (peruvian frequencies) and more!
Sacred KA EMbodiment is divided in 5 sacred portals:
This 6 month journey is divided into 5 portals, where galactic races, Goddess Isis and different light beings will be providing frequencies to help you be aligned with your soul's purpose expression and life force embodiment.
This journey will also be channeled depending on the group and what they specifacally need. You can read more about the portals here:
This portal is about getting you aligned with your mission, getting clear of what your purpose is, remembering and activating the gifts you came to this planet with. Letting go of doubts and stepping into your unique light worker blueprint. This portal will assist you in being sure that you chose the right path for what you came here to offer to this planet.
Being soul aligned means you take aligned decisions in any aspect of your life, you know what to do to be in your soul's purpose and your soul's work.
Previously to this portal, you will receive an opening ceremony where you will prepare your energy for the journey ahead and an initiation into the sacred KA.
This portal is about how you share your gifts and talents in the real world, being true to yourself, being free in the decisions you make, feeling safe to express your ''weirdness'', your psychic gifts and your connection to spirit. We will be diving deep into past lifetime healing to release any burden and fears of not showing your magic to others. This portal will allow you to have new levels of courage to express your voice without caring what others may say or think of you. You will understand deeply that you came here to create an impact and the universe is supporting your path unconditionally. You will feel safe to express yourself freely with deep confidence.
This portal is about receiving and activating a 5D heart. Which means that you are at service to others from a place of unconditional love. You have understood that not everyone has to support what you do, there is compassion and pure white love flowing inside your heart. You will be working with your inner child and the divine feminine frequency to help you trust and surrender. Those are important qualities you will need to have when being on a spiritual-worker path.
The heart is the key to opening more of your psychic and channeling abilities. People often focus on the third eye, but that is totally wrong. The more you open your heart, the more your channel will be in balance to receive and help others. As a peruvian priestess myself I will guide you to processes to open your heart and create divine union with mother earth (Pachamama) and the divine. Mother earth is your home and you will connect with her deeply in this program.
This portal is about enhancing your connection with your star family, because, of course, your soul comes from the stars and your star family is ready to support your spiritual growth. You will learn how to work with them. You will receive their direct frequency for deepening your connection to the unseen.
This portal will awake dormant memories, gifts, and high vibrational tools available just for you. For example, light language. It will be activated, and you will get to practice it with others in this program. You will clear/activate your third eye and psychic channel deeper with the quantum technology of Atlantis allowing you to have tools to use in your own sessions with others.
This portal consists in working with your KA deeper, you will learn how to use your life force energy for creation, manifestation and soul alignment. Part of being in alignment means that you are ready to move beyond the matrix and ready to keep working on your spiritual work, making it more tangible: your spiritual business, as it is the vehicle of your soul's purpose.
It is through this portal that you will connect deeper with the energy of your soul business and also money/abundance. Because in order to thrive, you also need to be comfortable asking for money from your spiritual gifts.
You will also work on call-in soul aligned clients into your energy, so you can help them with your gifts.
You will incorporate next levels of creativity and abundance with the lyran rainbow frequency.
In this last month, you will be able to experience bliss, joy and a willingness to keep showing up with consistency as a lightworker expressing your light and your voice in the real world.
Sacred KA Embodiment has been fully channeled and co-created with different galactic races, the additional details of each session depend on what the group needs. All the sessions will be live. Additionally, you will find processes recorded in the membership. Read below for more information about each class:
How the program is delivered:
1. Opening ceremony and initiation session: This introduction session is an opening ceremony that will take place on November 19th 2024 (date will be confirmed). We will set intentions, clear and prepare your body energetically to receive the future activations and upgrades.
You will receive a sacred initiation to prepare your body for the frequency of the KA.
Wednesdays at 19:00hrs Amsterdam time
2. Weekly live sessions with Jessica : We will come together weekly live. We will start the journey with a VIP DAY on November 19th. Afterward, there will be 3 types of sessions, usually every Wednesday: Galactic Sessions (includes Energy healing, teachings and galactic upgrades), ISIS KA activation sessions and coaching call sessions. If you can't make it live, you will have access to the replay.
Classes are online, usually on Wednesdays at 19:00hrs Amsterdam
3. 1:1 integration session with Jessica : In month 3 you will receive a 30-minute integration session with Jessica to see your progress and give you extra support on your journey.
4. Community Facebook Group : You will be part of an online group where everyone can share their insights, their challenges and support each other. You won't be alone in this process.
5. Group coaching sessions: Every month you will have the chance to receive guidance from Jessica in a group call.
The investment in yourself for this expansive journey:
Pay in full
Payment Plan
SKE is a sacred fest
of high vibrational
forces that will help you
activate different tools
to help others
Read Maja's experience, she came out
of the spiritual closet and started
to share her gifts online:
I feel I have gained some tools that are giving me enough courage and motivation to keep going. I am so much more connected now to my spiritual team. And I have expanded my spiritual team as well. I used to just connect with a select few, but with the help of Sacred KA Embodiment, I have become more attuned to my spirit guides and to those who want to join, as well as inviting new ones.
Before the program, I had awareness about connecting to the galactic family, but through the activations, I have come to know the galactic race deeper. Connecting and communing with Goddess ISIS has been a powerful, healing experience as well. One major change I have noticed in myself is my deeper connection to the trees and plants and flowers around me. I could almost feel their feelings and hear what they are saying... -
I am also more consistent in my meditation now, and it is so much easier to tap into the Divine Realm. My main takeaways are: it provided me a space for my ongoing healing and transformation, unraveling some of my past lives that leaded to healing, for example - knowing that I used to be a witch; and gaining the understanding of why I do what I do today in terms of my love for rituals and magic. It helped expand my spiritual team, letting go of fears, coming out and creating a video sharing energy healing i.e. instagram.
I reclaimed my healing gifts that I had suppressed for long years. This program challenged me at so many levels and is helping me shape and create a spiritual business in the near future. Jessica is an advanced soul, a powerful priestess and healer. She has an innate wisdom to guide you as you dive deeper into your healing journey.
Jessica appeared in my life when I felt ready to reclaim my healing gifts that I had buried for years. She has helped me clear blockages, including from my past lives. She walked with me, as I navigated some “deep stuff”, with such passion, conviction, wisdom, grace, light and love. She has awakened my spirit at a deeper level; and she has helped me unlock my abilities to connect deeply with Mother Nature. For example, I find that I am now more able to sense the energy and feelings of plants and trees and I can communicate with them on a spiritual level.
In sum, by being fully supported by Jessica, Goddess Isis and my spiritual team, I have attained healing at a soul level that far exceeded my expectations. The Sacred Ka-Embodiment program is a transformational healing journey which brought deeper soul alignment and purpose into my life and spiritual work. I can't thank Jessica enough for this extremely important work and I highly recommend her.
Maja Balasi-Sullivan - Psychic Channel
Meet your guide:
Jessica Correa
I was born in the sacred land of Peru. I am a psychic medium, energy healer, light language channel, priestess and a spiritual mentor, here on earth to help souls to embody their purpose and reach their highest potential by connecting to their heart and their life force energy.
I had a career and a corporate job where I was ‘’happy’’ but not fulfilled. I knew my life had deeper meaning. I went through a self-discovery process that allowed my soul gifts to expand and deepen my connection to source. I know all the different stages of becoming a full-time lightworker. In SKE I will be guiding you to stand up for yourself, your voice and your mission. To not give up.
I work with galactic races, egyptian frequencies, and different ascendant masters and goddesses to help you activate the dormant codes that you have.
It is after my travels to the sacred lands of New Zealand, Australia and Egypt that have allowed me to activate my wisdom deeply and understanding of what is needed at this moment on earth: divine union. Unity consciousness.
I have been working with the KA as a goddess Isis priestess, I am able to perform ISIS KA activation in others. Now, together with my years of experience, my studies in different modalities and many life lessons, I am guiding others in their process of activating their inner fire. I will guide your transition to embodying your soul purpose in the real world through energetics and channeled guidance. This is for you if you are ready to move beyond your fears and be of service to the world with your abilities and be supported in a community of lightworkers like you.
THIS IS THE ULTIMATE LIGHT LANGUAGE PROGRAM that will awake your soul memories, your power and your light allowing you to share it to the real world.
The requirement for this program is to have received healing before and have done some inner work that has allowed you to realize that you want to follow your soul's call and are ready to embody your soul's purpose, no matter what age you are or where you are on your spiritual journey. The reason is that we are focusing on clearing fears related to coming out of the spiritual closet, sharing your gifts, so if you have never received a healing before I recommend you to write to me to discuss your options.
Not necessarily, the main goal of this program is to awake the dormant gifts you had when you were a kid and that you shut them off OR the intuitive gifts you have been exploring and would love to expand them. On this program, I have worked with people who had never channeled intentionally before and they became a great channelers.
Yes! Definitely, I love working with both energies. I really believe in sacred union and being part of this program with both sides of the creative forces makes the journey incredible! You can learn from each other.
This program may have up to 8 people. If there are more applications, I would consider having 2 different groups. I really love the intimacy that this course brings.
As mentioned above, the calls are held by zoom every week on Wednesdays starting on November 19th at 19:00hrs Amsterdam time zone. Replay is always available if you can't make it live. *The calls can undergo some changes for extraordinary cases.
Yes the payment plans are mentioned above and there is a VIP option if you want to receive individual support on top of our group calls.
You can get a 80% refund maximum 7 days before the program has started. Please invest in yourself if you are really responsible and committed to your transformation. After the program starts there will be NO refunds.
If the program has started, and you can't keep paying, you won't be able to have access to any of the previous recordings.
Yes, as long as you are FULLY committed to putting in the work, to be up-to-date with the classes, come to the coaching call sessions, and take action to share your gifts with the real world when the course is in progress.
80% consistency + 20% talent is what you need to have in order to have REAL results.
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